O look de @alishialove de 13 Novembro, 2018 | 21 Buttons
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alishialove Monday’s aren’t so bad when I love where I work. When I’m not shooting, I’ve been doing my editing/admin/@tog.ldn work at @workdotlife for over 3 months now and loving it more and more every day. I highly recommend it for any freelancers out there. I used to hate working from home as I would always get distracted and it would get quite lonely. Since I’ve been at Work Life, I’ve made so many like minded friends and I really look forward to getting work done there everyday. If you’re interested in giving them a try, you can get a free week with them if you quote my code WORK.ALISHIA 🙌 They have locations all across London, Reading and their most recent one has just opened in Manchester!

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