O look de @ellierosetyrrell de 21 Maio, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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ellierosetyrrell “ DON’T LET THOSE WHO USE PORN AS SEX EDUCATION TEACH YOU ABOUT YOUR VAGINA “ A crazy statement, but do I have your attention?! On my platforms I guess I’m pretty open.. 💓 If you don’t feel comfortable with it for cultural reasons or simply person reasons, that’s okay. Unfollow me, don’t read the rest of this post, I take no offence. In fact, it is important to me that I raise awareness on perfectly natural things we all go through, & create an ‘open space’ for teenagers and young adults, to talk about everything from mental health, sex, relationships, body image and so on.. So girls, let me give you some very important information. I didn’t know what porn really was until I find out through boys on the bus when I was in my early teens. I thought puberty & sex and all that kind of thing was really ickyyy ( as a lot of us do ) and despite my mum being so easy to approach, I just didn’t want to talk about it. So often is the case, that young people go to porn as a means of sex education - creating all sorts of opinions & common misperceptions! As somebody who didn’t watch it, nor felt comfortable talking about it, who knows what I may hear and believe 🤷🏽‍♀️ Did you know that you shouldn’t wash thee V down there? Maybe oooor maybe not 🤔 If not, it may be because you are super conscious of being clean, when in fact it can create infections ( that can go ) This was something I wanted to talk about after hearing from many female friends, across lots of ages, and after chatting to a nurse about it that there are products, marketing themselves in SUPERMARKETS and mainstream BEAUTY websites as the safer to use option intimately; with less chemicals. The likes of f*mme f*resh to name one.. 🤯 WOMEN that vagina naturally cleans itself! Now I never knew I’d say that word twice in an insta caption but here I am. Sexual Health, Body Confidence, Mental Health & Sex Education are topic areas I’m extremely passionate about sharing on my platforms.. even if I post selfies & #OOTD’s on here 90% of the time 🥳 Not about to be some Sex Ed Ambassador, but it’s one thing, in amongst many, I feel comfortable talking about ✨

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