O look de @shanicelittlejohn914 de 13 Julho, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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shanicelittlejohn914 People have seriously been testing me lately. 🤬😡😡My physical therapist tried to have me doing the same workouts with no results. People been cancelling appointments. And someone was rude enough to give me a summer cold that feel like death! And someone called me fat! Well imma tell them what my momma told me! 😑😑😑 You can’t act like box dye and expect to be treated like a balayage... 💅🏾💅🏾 As for that fat comment. Yeah I am fat! And no there’s nothing wrong with that. Me and my fat self are gonna continue to live in this body and there’s nothing you or your fatphobia can do about it! #tezzaapp #fatphobia #realbodypositivity

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