O look de @megmatable de 12 Agosto, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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megmatable Pro tip: go to a local farmers market! It’s one of my favorite things to do in the summer to enjoy the weather and get good food 😋 I went Thursday night and wanted to share this outfit (sorry it’s late)! My top is from @dottiecouturebtq and it has the CUTEST back. I’m sharing a picture of the back of it on stories 👆🏼If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, head to a local farmers market!💐⠀ •⠀⠀ •⠀⠀ •⠀⠀ •⠀⠀ •⠀⠀ #newblogger #midwestblogger #chicagoblogger #chicagoland #chicagolandblogger #suburbanblogger #ootd #ootdgal #ootn #nighttimeoutfit #dinneroutfit #boutique #boutiqueoutfit #dottiecouturebtq #localfarmersmarket #farmersmarket #discoverunder5k #discoverunder10k #microinfluencer

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