O look de @georgiemb de 1 Outubro, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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georgiemb This month I’ve been taking part in @oxfamgb’s #secondhandseptember and wow has it been a struggle sometimes!! You don’t realise how easily we can spend money on fast fashion at the touch of a button from our sofas until you’re banned from doing it! I nearly slipped once after seeing the most dreamy pink jeans on @alexincolour but I restrained myself at the last minute and have bookmarked the link instead until the end of the month. And what a month it’s been! I’ve found myself making more of an effort to walk into charity shops and vintage stores (more than I used to), and have found some fantastic pieces which you’ll be seeing over the next few months 😍 do you think you could go a month without buying fast fashion? 📸 by @stylepetal

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