O look de @li_sa73 de 6 Outubro, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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li_sa73 • i cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet | #quoteoftheday by Mahatma Gandhi 🙌🏼🙌🏼😔 || i have that one eye problem in pictures sometimes- when I make 📸 s, one 👁 is smaller than the other - Crazy - who else got this „problem“??? Btw @lenagercke is also in the „one eye smaller“ club 😛 Wanted the whole day Turkish „Künefe“ now i am with my grandmother and we share some 😋😋• #happy#potd#picoftheday#quotes#goodvibes#alhamdulillah#munich#uae#nürnberg#fürth#frankfurt#cologne#düsseldorf#netherlands#belgium#brussels#amsterdam#dortmund#hamburg#hannover#berlin#bremen#london#anajohnson#carmushka#barcelona#mallorca#lisboa

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