O look de @jenniferlpickering de 25 Outubro, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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jenniferlpickering Half way through the week! I finally finished all my returns from the commercial shoot I had this weekend. Now I’m getting ready to head out of town this weekend for a couples photo shoots! http://liketk.it/2G7QC #liketkit @liketoknow.it • • #everlane #pumpkinspice #fedora #falloutfits #falloutfit #falloutfits #falltrends #blackhat #blackfedora #fallfashion #fallcolors #lifestyleblogger #fashionblogger #fallstyle #torontofashion #fallhair #fallhairtrends #everlanewomen #styleinspo #fallfashioninspo

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