O look de @niotwift de 12 Janeiro, 2020 | 21 Buttons
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niotwift Well, I got around to post my New Years outfit. Grungy and red, I was so sad to leave the 2019 and the people I’ve met and shared a lot with behind, but excited for what’s to come in the 2020. Like, the fact that every day we have 20:20:20 of 2020. 😂 I’m so happy now I’ve left all the baggage in the 2019 and I’m so ready for all the events, all the collabs, all the new, amazing people I’m going to meet and all the great things I’m going to achieve with the people that have stayed in my life in the new year. I want to thank @judithmimi_ for spending the New Year’s Eve with me, taking this pic and organizing the night as I wasn’t in any condition to do so. I love you very much babe! And finally make sure you check out the @oldqueenshead near Angel station as it’s a really cool place! ❤️❤️ • 📍: The Old Queen’s Head 👸🏼, Angel, London

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