O look de @emilinalove de 13 Janeiro, 2020 | 21 Buttons
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emilinalove Romance: So.. Last night I saw little woman and honestly, no wonder I’m single :( I want someone to prove to me that romance isn’t dead. I’ve been single and only a couple of dates in two years since my long relationship ended and although it hasn’t been a lonely time because I love my friends and family so much that I haven’t felt that anything was missing but honestly, I’m such a dreamer. Will I ever face reality? I want someone to play piano to me and write me love letters. This sucks ‱ ‱ ‱ #grunger #grungestyle #grungelifestyle #tumblrgrunge #grungelook #grungelookbook #lblogger #londonmusic #londonlook #tumblrgirl #redhair #gingerhair #hairgoals #ginger #redhair #redaesthetic #grungegirls

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