O look de @amyelizabethprior de 20 Março, 2020 | 21 Buttons
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amyelizabethprior Its finally Friday 🙌🏻 Obvs this is a stressful and upsetting time, try to think of the positives 😌 This is such a good opportunity to NOT sit on your butt, sulk and over eat... but to learn something new, do the DIY that you’ve been wanting to do for ages, get a hobby, bake, learn to cook if you can’t, exercise - you don’t need a gym, spring clean the house, read or read more (watching Netflix doesn’t count!) 🙄 do something constructive and hopefully most of us will become better people... 🔜✨ And let’s just hope that all the selfish people buying in such excess stop soon... I wonder what will be done with all the panic bought freezers that people are keeping in their bedrooms? 🙈🤷🏼‍♀️

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