O look de @ellenbrockygirl de 19 Maio, 2020 | 21 Buttons
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ellenbrockygirl Throwback to shooting outside. Not gonna lie, I feel like a lot of pressure on taking content has been lifted during this time! I used to get so stressed about getting the perfect shot and shooting multiple outfits at the weekend wasn’t easy especially on different locations. I will definitely be continuing to shoot a lot indoors after this is all over and I might actually prefer my indoor content! . . . . . . #fblogger #fashionblogger #fashion #blogger #style #styleblogger #outfit #girl #outfitinspiration #fashioninspiration #lotd #ootd #wiwt #lookoftheday #outfitoftheday #picoftheday #instastyle #instagood #instadaily #manchester #manchesterblogger #anotheroutfitpost #instafashion

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