O look de @jenniferlpickering de 17 Novembro, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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jenniferlpickering I think this sweater scarf combo is a perfect fall look. Too bad it looks more like winter outside today with all the snow I woke up to 😫 And it’s suppose to continue until midnight. This is why I want to move. I hate winter and the cold. http://liketk.it/2GLZG #liketkit @liketoknow.it • • #sweaterweather #fallstyle #madewell #andotherstories #fallfashion #lackofcolor #dswshoelover #plaidscarf #scarf #cozyseason #chillyweather #hellofall #crispair #cozysweaters #cozyfashion #everydaymadewell #bootieseason #anklebooties #scarfstyle #scarfseason

Artigos de vestuário

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