O look de @jenniferlpickering de 1 Dezembro, 2019 | 21 Buttons
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jenniferlpickering Toronto bound tomorrow for the Christmas Market! For how many times I’ve been to Toronto(which is a lot. It’s closer than Chicago for me) I cannot believe I’ve never been to the market. Super excited for it! http://liketk.it/2HdYU #liketkit @liketoknow.it • • • #LTKholidaystyle #LTKholidaygiftguide #ihavethisthingwithpink #loveloft #everlane #mejuri #cashmeresweater #falloutfits #whatimwearing #fashionable #torontoblogger #torontochristmasmarket #weekendmode #winterstyles #bosslady #fallfashion #fallstyle

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